Seonkyu Kim

Data Scientist | Purdue MS BAIM'24

About Me

20 April 2024

With a passion for data science and a Master’s degree in Business Analytics and Information Management (MS BAIM) from Purdue University, I aim to leverage my skills and experience to solve complex problems in finance and business operations.

I have a strong background in economics and financial engineering, with a dual bachelor’s degree from Korea University and a big data & fintech training certificate (8 months) from Seoul National University. Additionally, I interned at an AI finance company, where I contributed to a predictive modeling project for cardiac arrest using deep learning and machine learning techniques, such as CNN, LSTM, DNN, and LGBM. I improved the model accuracy by 20% compared to the existing system.

During my experience as a business consultant for credit cooperatives, I optimized processes and developed management indicators using data analysis and visualization tools. I also designed an automation system that reduced the consulting time by 50%.

To delve into data science at the advanced level, I chose to study at Purdue University MS BAIM program. At Purdue, I participated in multiple projects involving data mining, machine learning, data visualization, and project management. As a result, I could win a data visualization competition and present our project on synthetic data generation at the INFORMS Analytics Conference. I also acquired multiple certifications in Python and data analysis from DataCamp.

Now I am eager to apply my analytical abilities and domain expertise to advance the field of data science, making a positive impact in finance and beyond.